Pet Insurance

Having a pet is a source of JOY! However, experienced pet owners know that owning a pet is never risk-free. We offer protection and peace of mind not just for the Pet Owner, but for the fur baby as well.
Pets are Family
If you love your family members, you need to protect them. Same goes for our pets. They bring us so much joy into our lives so the best way to pay them back is to protect them and protect us from future expenses that may arise from accidents or illness.

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Pet Insurance Inclusions

Medical Reimbursement

The company will reimburse any payments made by the pet owner for expenses that are medically necessary (Medication) to treat of diagnose (treatment) the insured pet arising from accident or illness.

+ Lifetime Limit for treatment or Diagnostics for Cruciate Ligament Injuries

+ Burial Assistance (Due from Euthanasia when advised by a Veterinarian to alleviate suffering)


Laboratory Tests

X-rays, Ultrasounds and CT Scan



Medication (Prescribed by Vet)

Teeth Extraction due to accident


Cost of Veterinarian Professional Fees or Charges

Owner’s Liability

We will pay for actual or any damages and costs incurred for any legal liabilities to third party due to the actions of the Insured Pet, while the pet is under the insured’s care.

Optional Benefit: Personal Accident

Protects the pet owner in the event of loss of life, disablement and dismemberment as a direct result of an unforseen and violent event arising within the policy period.

Table of Benefits

PPP Pet Insurance Benefits philippines

Application for the following dogs are accepted

a. Dogs aged six (6) months to eight (8) years old.

b. Vaccinated dogs (schedule of vaccinations must be based on the prescribed schedule of Philippine Animal Hospital Association (PAHA).

c. Dogs with yearly physical examination and have necessary check-ups and treatment recommended by a veterinarian to prevent illness/injury

The following shall not be accepted:

a. Stunt Dogs

b. Dogs for Police, Military, or Security Services

c. Dogs raised and used for fighting

d. Dogs raised for sports

Claim Requirements

Documents to be submitted by the pet owner are as follows:

a. Pet Baby Book/Vet Records and Certification from the attending Vet on the illness or nature of treatment undertaken

b. Pedigree Certificate and/or RFID or microchip scanned serial number

c. Original Receipts of Medical Treatment on the pet/third party claimant

d. Prescription of the Vet for medical treatment

e. Vet’s Certification on health condition

f. Necropsy Report (if death claim)

g. In case of Euthanasia, vet’s certification and reason for euthanizing the pet

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